We collaborate with you to explore systemic issues that may be causing problems and then work together, using an Organization Development approach, toward a resolution that promotes positive, productive change.

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facilitation & training

We are skilled facilitators and have worked with groups from 5 - 540 participants. Naturally inquisitive, we introduce thought-provoking questions and scenarios to elicit positive behavior and change. We use a combination of techniques to help groups stay on time and on point in meetings and special events.

developing teams

OD processes cultivate high-performing teams and we have facilitated team development initiatives that produced more positive and productive environments.

developing org. strategies

We employ process consulting techniques that help leaders and other stakeholders make informed strategic decisions and plans.


Coaching is a unique relationship designed to help individuals and groups be better and do more than what may happen now. Individual coaching sessions are one-on-one meetings devoted to the need(s) of the person being coached; team coaching integrates coaching principles with an intact group who are working toward common goals.