When all the pieces fit, the organization is highly functional and healthy. If they don’t, there may be breakdowns in communication, collaboration, or another aspect to address so that organizational objectives can be achieved.
Do your organization’s pieces fit?
Karen Mack Management Consultants, LLC (KMMC), is a boutique consulting firm that helps leaders and teams move from an undesirable condition to an improved, healthy, and more functional state of being by providing end-to-end organization development (OD).
How We Help Our Clients
Next Steps
Answer the following questions to learn if OD engagement is the right solution for your company, department, agency, or group:
Are employees highly engaged and actively involved in accomplishing organizational goals?
Does the culture embrace practices that promote or produce effective communication?
Do meetings usually conclude on time with clear outcomes?
Is the work environment one that respects/supports its people and related processes?
Are organizational issues resolved using interpersonal approaches such as coaching, mentoring or performance improvement efforts instead of non-confrontational techniques such as reorganizations?
Are workplace relationships authentic and productive?
Does the organization encourage team collaboration overworking in silos?
Did you answer "Yes" to all 7 questions? If so, congratulations, you probably have a highly functional and healthy organization.
If you answered "No" to one or more of these questions, check out our services to see how we can help your organization be more cohesive, collaborative, and productive.
What pieces are missing from your organization’s puzzle?